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Dear customers, partners, friends and colleagues,

As we conclude this #year, I would like to reflect

on our journey and share a few achievements that, although not extraordinary, are significant milestones for us as we stand at the beginning of the road:

#investigations: successfully managing two internal #fraud cases, supporting our clients in documenting #criminal activities, and representing them in front of the authorities;

➡ managerial #development: #training 64 top managers (#Executive Management and B-1) on topics such as "the role of #integrity culture in preventing internal frauds" and "anti-corruption training";

➡ specialized trainings: equipping two teams responsible for #risk management, #security and #antifraud with tailored training sessions;

#KYC/KYS/KYE (know your employee) reports: providing reports that have assisted our customers in making well-informed decisions about business relationships.

These achievements wouldn't have been possible without the confidence you've placed in us and the exceptional efforts of our team (Ioana, Robert, Adrian, Viorel). Thank you all!

Thanks to over a thousand followers and supporters who trust us to consistently deliver relevant content to you!

In 2024, we aim to build upon these successes and continue providing unparalleled #services and #support.

Together, we are stronger and better prepared to face any challenges.

With gratitude,



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